Project partners, MECA and Bureau Veritas have been at the E-lass seminar day where they promoted the activities of the CoPropel project.

MECA is working on the engineering design of composite ship propeller blades. Based on different assessment criteria the full assembly solution of the propeller will be developed, ensuring compliance with the relevant requirements from the end users. Some of the aspects associated with the performance of the propeller which have been investigated up to now are:
- Orientation of the blade and its effect on the change of flow
- Deformation of composite propeller under different fluid loads and how it influences the hydrodynamic performance (fluid structure interaction)
Partner, Bureau Veritas is developing a guidance note, NI663, regarding the design assessment of the propeller in composite materials. The CoPropel project results will be used in order to improve and complete the guidance note document in the aspects of (i) design assessment methods and fatigue investigation, (ii) manufacturing survey, (iii) propeller monitoring and (iv) testing procedure including the quality control.

CoPropel Consortium
The CoPropel action brings together nine organisations from five countries, with two of the organisations based in UK (associated partners). More precisely those organisations are: Four research Institutes – TWI Limited (TWI) (associated partner), University of Ioannina (UOI), Brunel University London (BUL) (associated partner) and The Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre (BSHC); four industrial partners – Loiretech Ingenierie (LRT), Danaos Shipping Company Limited (DAN), MECA Group (MECA), Glafcos Marine Ltd (GME), and one certification body, Bureau Veritas Marine and Offshore Registre International (BV).
CoPropel puts forth a holistic approach in the shipping industry by introducing a composite marine propeller offering corrosion resistance, light weight, tailoring of material properties, low electric signature and acoustic properties. CoPropel’s objectives are the following:
- Design a composite propeller to achieve optimum propulsive efficiency
- Optimise the manufacturing process based on closed mould resin infusion techniques
- Develop a condition and structural health monitoring system that will be embedded within the propeller
- Validate the composite propeller in small and full-scale trials
- Assist in the formulation of new guidelines
If you want to know more about the project visit the dedicated project website or follow the project progress on LinkedIn.
COPROPEL has received funding from Horizon Europe under grant agreement 101056911.